Joe-of-All-Trades : Some Unknown Aspects of Coffee

Coffee is the aromatic elixir that adds delight to our daily routine. With its rich history and global popularity, it has become an indispensable part of our lives. This beloved beverage transcends mere sustenance, adding comfort and rhythm to our day. It is truly the ambrosia of Earth. 

Coffee or caffeine: What fuels the brain’s network?

latte art on a wooden surface

Image Credit: Pexels

While coffee is a popular beverage that is made by brewing finely ground, roasted coffee beans, caffeine is a psychoactive substance that is naturally present in coffee. Though both coffee and caffeine increase wakefulness and reduce fatigue, scientists at the University of Minho conducted a study to know whether the benefits of coffee depend on other properties of caffeine or if plain caffeine is enough to stimulate the brain. Guess what they found?

Milk Coffee May Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Anti-inflammatories are substances or medications that help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection, which is characterized by swelling, redness, pain, and heat. Anti-inflammatory agents can mitigate these symptoms by inhibiting the processes that lead to inflammation. Additionally, certain foods, herbs, and lifestyle practices are known for their anti-inflammatory properties and can contribute to overall health and well-being.  

pouring milk to black coffee on a clear glass with coffee bean scattered nearby

Image Credit: Pexels


However, have you wondered if something as simple as adding milk to coffee can have benefits like anti-inflammation properties?

Recycling Coffee Leftovers To Produce Biodiesel, A Big Move To Sustainable Future

Coffee is already the fuel for many busy individuals going about their stressful lives. It is a boost of energy for them. Even after its use, the leftover beans can be used for various purposes. Used coffee grounds have versatile uses beyond the coffee maker, such as fertilizing gardens, deodorizing refrigerators, cleaning surfaces, DIY projects, skincare, and repelling insects. But to use it to produce biodiesel? Yes, researchers have found a way to produce biofuel. Know how here!

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